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Namco Museum 50th Anniversary - Nintendo Gamecube - PAL/EUR/UKV - Complete (CIB)

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- Original Nintendo Gamecube - Region: PAL/UKV/EUR - Normally used condition - CIB / Complete In Box with Manual - 1 Year warranty
Artikelnamn: Namco Museum 50th Anniversary - Nintendo Gamecube - PAL/EUR/UKV - Complete (CIB)
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
995 kr SEK
Releasedate 2006
Regioncode DOL-G5NP-EUR


Namco Museum 50th Anniversary - Nintendo Gamecube - PAL/EUR/UKV - Complete (CIB)

-Original Nintendo Gamecube
-Region: PAL/UKV/EUR
-Normally used condition
-CIB / Complete In Box with Manual
-1 Year warranty

Players: 1-2
Genre: Action
Regioncode: DOL-G5NP-EUR
Release Year: 2006
Age: 12+
Publisher: EA

Namco celebrates their 50th anniversary by packaging 14 of their best classic arcade games onto one disc. The interface lets you browse a virtual game hall with each game shown in its original arcade cabinet. The games included in this collection are: Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Galaga, Galaxian, Dig Dug, Pole Position, Pole Position II, Rolling Thunder, Rally X, Bosconian, Dragon Spirit, Sky Kid, Xevious, and Mappy.


Artnr: DOL527
Lagerstatus: Beställningsvara
(2-3 veckors lev.tid)
Releasedate 2006
Regioncode DOL-G5NP-EUR
  • Releasedate: 2006
  • Regioncode: DOL-G5NP-EUR


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